when does the story of ciné liminal begin? there may not be a clear answer to this question, but...
...maybe it starts in march 2023, when we opened our programme for the first time under the new name ciné liminal. we screened six short films by young, student and in some cases first-time filmmakers, and the cinema was full of people, laughter and discussion.

...maybe it starts in the spring of 2017, when a group of social anthropology students and filmmakers from the institute of social anthropology at the university of bern founded EthnoKino and started screening films in rather under-visited university classrooms. they soon moved out to kino in der reitschule where they established a space for dialogue and discourse at the intersections of academia, cinema and society. in 2021 two separate working groups evolved: EthnoKino Seasons and EthnoKino Film Festival.
…maybe it begins in september 2023, when ciné liminal (formerly ethnokino seasons), after a long and tiresome process of separation finally and officially founded a new association (verein), that will be completely separate from EthnoKino (Film Festival).
…probably the answer remains fluid and somewhere in-between. it is clear, however, that many different people have contributed and continue to contribute in creating the liminal space for discussion, collaboration and (ex)change around film in Bern that is ciné liminal.