Life is Beautiful - Al Haya Helwa



Mohamed Jabaly | Norway, Palestine | 2023 | 90min

Palestinian filmmaker Mohamed Jabaly insists on telling stories from his hometown Gaza sharing his own experiences and perspectives, not accepting the boundaries imposed by international politics and rigid bureaucracy. Stuck in the cold and dark arctic of Northern Norway, only able to connect to his family online, he manages to activate his own creativity and the support from his friends to keep up his motto LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

Filmmaker Mohamed Jabaly will attend the evening for a discussion before the screening of his film "Life is Beautiful"

This event is organised in collaboration with ciné resistance by SOSO Space.

18.30: Doors, Bar, Music, Snacks
19.30: Movie Screening

The collected funds will go to Sanad initiative for Palestine.
IG: @sanad_palestine / More info about Sanad.

instagram: @cineliminal